Our Mission

The City-Wide Friends of the Boston Public Library is a volunteer, community-based organization that seeks to enhance public awareness, recognition, status, and financial support of the library system through advocacy and education. The Friends works cooperatively with the administration of the Boston Public Library, branch library Friends, and with other organizations, institutions, and individuals to support strong libraries throughout Boston as well as furthering appreciation of the value of the Library as a cultural and educational asset, supporting and linking the activities of Branch Library Friends groups, and encouraging volunteers to assist the Library.


Please consider a donation to the Friends and help us to continue to:


Sponsor the Central Library's Museum Pass program


Provide grants to branches


Contribute to the preservation of the library's historical treasures


And much more !





There are multiples ways to donate



Donate books, DVDs, CDs and empty DVD cases.
A bag of items can be dropped off at our book sales or at the Central Library's Circulation Desk at any time. If you have a larger donation, please contact us at citywidefriendsbpl@gmail.com with the words “Book Donation” in the subject line.
We cannot accept VHS tapes, encyclopedias, or out-of-date computer books.



2025 BOOK SALE Dates

  • The February 1st book sale has been cancelled due to renovations in the McKim Building  These renovations may also affect the April and June sales.
  • april 5 • june 7 august 2 • October 4
  • • December 6

Book sales are on the first Saturday of each even-numbered months (Feb, Apr, June, Aug,Oct, Dec) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Central Library in Copley Square.
Sales are held in the basement of the library's older McKim Building.
Inventory includes thousands of books in all genres (children’s, young adult, biography, history, sci-fi, romance, mystery, fiction, classics, reference, foreign language, women’s studies, and more).  Many books sell for a $1! DVDs and CDs are generally $1 per disc.  “Special” items are individually priced higher and may include sets, new, rare and collectible items. 
It’s a good chance to stock up.  New and gently used items make great gifts.


Cash and credit/debit cards are accepted. Please try to bring a bag to hold your purchases. You can also donate clean paper or plastic bags at the sale.


See www.thebostoncalendar.com close to a scheduled sale date for any last minute changes or special promotions.





Volunteers are always needed before the sale to help sort and shelve items and during the sale to help restock depleted shelves and bag sold items.


Please email citywidefriendsbpl@gmail.com with the word “Volunteer” in the subject line, or call (617) 859-2341 and leave a message with your contact information.






All proceeds go to the City-Wide Friends of the Boston Public Library, a community-based, nonprofit organization that supports the Boston Public Library.  Museum passes, summer reading programs, and branch events are just some of the programs supported by book sale proceeds.



  • Many of the Boston Public Library Branches have their own Friends Organizations. Please visit them.

    • Friends of the Faneuil Branch Library

    • Friends of the Jamaica Plain Branch

    • Friends of the Charlestown Branch

    • Friends of the Adams Street Branch

    • Friends of the Hyde Park Branch

    • Friends of the Grove Hall Branch

    • /p>

    • Friends of the Parker Hill Branch



    "A library is thought in cold storage." Herbert Samuel


    "Have you joined your Friends of the Library? Library lovers everywhere are invited and encouraged to join their local Friends of the Library group. These dedicated volunteers advocate for libraries, raise much needed funds, sponsor programs and special events, and host popular used book sales. If you haven't joined your Friends, contact us and find out how to join today." Association of Library Trustees

    The power of a Friends group is its members.  We represent a variety of interests, talents, and financial support allowing the Boston Public to meet and exceed its goals.





    We make a living from what we earn,

    We make a life from what we give . . .

    What we do for ourselves dies with us,

    But what we do for others lives forever."

    - Winston Churchill


    The Friends are always eagerly welcoming volunteers. This is a great opportunity to meet people, gain experience, and make a huge impact on our community!





    Contact information

    If you would like more information about the Friends, please

    • Sign up for our newsletter by providing your email here

      Email us at citywidefriendsbpl@gmail.com

      Call us at 617-859-2341

      Our mailing address: